geo garden pop

On Saturday, I took the day to play (with Jessica Swifts Pattern Camp) and came up with 2 new fun pattern designs. (and I've got another 3 in progress.) I've had a few folks on fb + instagram already asking me where these will be available for purchase. 

I'm calling this series GEO GARDEN POP. Here is Design #1...

And here is design #2...

And for the first time in a long while, I created an inspirational mood board before I begun. I am always amazed at how helpful it is to have this when I begin my process.

Here is a sneak peek of my mood board and the sketches I created.

MATS Bootcamp March: Jello Molds

The theme for the latest Lilla Rogers Bootcamp, was Jello and Jello Molds! (Just google Jello Molds and you will find some very umm... interesting things!) I wanted to get back to creating some prints and drawings and ended up a bit abstract this month. I did some sketching, inking, some printmaking and ended up in Photoshop. A classmate whose work i LOVE said she could see it on a table cloth at Crate and Barrel. Oh to dream! 

See the entire gallery of 400 + interpretations of Jello here! (I made page 4 this month.)

Have I mentioned my new work is available for licensing and I am available for commissioned work?

If you want to see a little bit of the process of how I got here, please scroll down...

pencil sketches for Making Art that Sells Bootcamp - March 2014 - Jello - by Barb Chotiner

pencil sketches for Making Art that Sells Bootcamp - March 2014 - Jello - by Barb Chotiner

more pencil sketches for Making Art that Sells Bootcamp - March 2014 - Jello - by Barb Chotiner

more pencil sketches for Making Art that Sells Bootcamp - March 2014 - Jello - by Barb Chotiner

mono prints created for Making Art that Sells Bootcamp - March 2014 - Jello - by Barb Chotiner

mono prints created for Making Art that Sells Bootcamp - March 2014 - Jello - by Barb Chotiner

uppercase magazine!!!

How AWESOME is this? I was so humbled and excited to find out that I was selected to be included in the new Uppercase Magazine Surface Pattern Design Guide! Then I see that 2 of my patterns even made it into the video. (Also - that is my friend Jan (from Making Art that Sells) image on the front cover.) Do watch the whole thing. It's very interesting – but I am at 2:23!

If you follow this section of my website, you will see that I have slowly been expanding my graphic design to include more illustration and surface pattern design. I can not tell you how great it feels to have some validation that you are making a good decision and going in the right direction.

They will be giving out 1500 copies of this special issue out at Surtex in May. While I am not exhibiting this year, it feels wonderful that my work will have a minor presence amongst all the greatness that promises to be there. I do plan to walk the show and am looking forward to lots of inspiration and beautiful artworks and meeting up with folks I have only known through Facebook over the past year. 

Lastly - i do have a coupon code for $15 off a new Uppercase magazine subscription: "USPDG2014" I LOVE my subscription and reference it often.  /  #patternsplease