west elm pop-up!

Hooray! My West Elm Pop-up (in Philadelphia) was such a great day! I had my talented friend Aliza of Aliza Schlabach Photography (see her website here) stop by to take some photos and they came out amazing! I'm excited to share them here below. 

Thank you to all my friends and gamily who came by to say hello, and to shop! I feel like I had another thesis show - or wedding - but I believe it was totally worth it. The store employees were super helpful and to have my products in a store that I am enamored with was pretty much a dream come true. 

Some of my best sellers were my studio-m flower planters, my pouches from DENY, my new spiral notebooks, my little reclaimed wood blocks, and I even sold one of my large whale canvases. I did bring quite a bit of merchandise (some of which I will soon put into an online shop) but my husband always says "go big or go home..." so thats what I did. And, I think it paid off! :)