going back to school...

Happy. Nervous. Excitied. I've signed up for the Lilla Rogers e-course on "Making Art that Sells". What a great opportunity to learn from the top as well as freshen up my portfolio!

Its been 5 years since I've really sat down and made some art and now that my kiddos are 2 & 4, i'm feeling the urge to create once again. (Hence I took a recent printmaking class too.) It looks like there are some super talented students in the class which will really keep me on my toes. Class (finally) begins next week!

I made this little collage in preparation. It's a little bit of analog and a little bit of digital. I've never made anything like this before - but it was a fun process. Looking forward to more explorations in the next 5 weeks!


monoprinting on a gelli plate

I took an online course with Carla Sondheim on monoprinting with a gelli printmaking plate. It was a great class. Here are some of my Day 2 prints...

whose she?

I am posting this for this weeks illustration friday. For my mfa thesis (in may 2006),  i created an exhibition with ten multiple personalities... if you click on WHOSE SHE  you view (an interactive flash version of ) the catalog of all the "artists." I created all the artwork for each of the personalities. (I also designed the catalog and wrote all the copy.) Also, if you look carefully, all the letters of my (full) name create each of the 10 artists names.
